Starting With The Basics: Writing News Stories

          The article I chose to write on is The Race Against Cambodia's "Mutant Malaria" Is Being Lost, Scientist Warn. This disease has spread throughout South East Asia, and is on the move. This mutant malaria is resisting drugs based on artemisinin, which is the disease's main treatment. It has spread from Cambodia to north-eastern Thailand, southern Laos, and southern Vietnam!

          I do think the lead if effective because it catches and makes you want to stop and read about this issue. It shows you a problem in the first couple of words, then proceeds to explain everything that they know about this mutant disease so far. Even the title makes draws you in to read about it because it makes you worried. Whenever there is a "scientist warn" in the title of something, it can make you a little worried about whatever they are talking about. You could say that the most important information is at the first of this article, but yet everything in this article is important. It tells you the main issue at the beginning but then goes on to tell you the details about it.

         A quote that resonated with me is when Professor Nicholas White stated "We are losing a dangerous race" and "We need to tackle this public health emergency urgently." this story at the moment does not have a good ending, it won't be a good ending until this is all under control and this awful disease cannot hurt anyone else!
        Another article that I chose to write on is Ontario men sentenced for importing coke amid crackdown on Sinaloa Cartel. Two men have been put in prison for a lengthy prison term, for importing several thousand kilos of cocaine into Canada. Vito Buffone and Jeffery Kompon were sentenced to 20 and 22 years in prison.

       I do think the lead and title is effective, but it wasn't great. This article is about people getting put in jail and is basically just telling you the facts, so it is not the most interesting article out there. That's the only reason why i say it wasn't great. On the other hand I think it is a good lead because it tells you what is going on and the main points/most important information at first  so it draws you in then proceeds to tell you all the other details.

        One quote that stuck out to me is "multiple people are being investigated," said by Phil Gavin from the Niagara Regional Police. I thought this was an important quote because it kind of shows how big this operation really is. How big of an issue this really is and it is not just two people doing all of this. A lot of people are involved with this and it is not over and done with just because they put two people in jail. Yes I would say some of the most important information is told at the first. It tells you about the two people put in jail, which is mainly what this article was about, those two men. After that it just tells you more details about the case.

       No I wouldn't say this article has a god ending, because not everyone is caught. This is still going on and they haven't stopped it all. This is an ongoing battle, and until it is all over and done with it won't be a happy ending. Now its hard to say that it will ever be stopped, but that is the best possible outcome of this situation. I would say the police did a very good job and that for a little bit it is a happy ending because they made a big bust, and yes there will be more huge drug busts to come. Yet for now I'd say thy did a great job.



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